Everyone knows that Elder Scrolls is the first game which came up with big open world map where players can go interact and play quests. It’s open map is all set in a fictional world where many kind of races like Elves, Orcs and many more live together along with humans.
All the main characters of Elder Scrolls live into our memories due their role during game. Throughout the journey of game, you meet many friends and foes which makes the story exciting. One of the best moment when you take down the dragon for first time.
With everything in mind, we quickly made a list of all the main characters in Elder Scrolls. Then arranging them into a filter system where ranking them from Best to the worst in a list. You will find the best characters list below with all the details:
15 Best Elder Scrolls Characters are as follows:

15. Delphine
Race: Breton
Character Detail: Delphine is the acting Grandmaster of the Blades faction, and one of the group’s few remaining members in Skyrim. While looking for Jurgen Windcaller’s Horn for Arngeir, the Dragonborn discovers a Mysterious Note in its place at Ustengrav, instructing him to travel to the Sleeping Giant in Riverwood and rent the attic chamber.
Delphine visits the inn and hands over the Horn, requesting to talk alone. She then discloses that she is a member of the Blades, on the hunt for the next Dragonborn.

14. Babette
Race: Breton
Character Detail: Babette was attacked by a vampire and turned into one herself. She has lived as one for almost three hundred years and features about how her innocent look makes murder easy. Because of her age, this could be assumed that she lived during the Oblivion Crisis of 3E 433.
She is the only member of the Dark Brotherhood to have survived the Penitus Oculatus attack on the Sanctuary, along with the Dragonborn, Nazir, and Cicero. As a result, she relocates to the Dawnstar Sanctuary and continues to sell potions.

13. Lucien Lachance
Race: Imperial
Character Detail: Lucien journeyed through Skyrim, stopping at Riften. After acquiring the Blade of Woe, he became a Speaker for the famed subterranean group known as the Dark Brotherhood, after the previous Speaker died performing a contract. Lachance lived in Fort Farragut, an abandoned fort ruin northeast of Cheydinhal.
The Night Mother recalled Lucien Lachance as a devoted Sithis child and the personification of what the Dark Brotherhood stands for. Arquen was entrusted with the Sanctuary in Cheydinhal, which had been in his care for many years. She expressed guilt for her role in Lachance’s death, but found consolation in the thought that he now serves the Dread Father in the Void.

12. Divayth Fyr
Race: Dunmer
Character Detail: Divayth Fyr was a strong Dunmer Sorcerer who lived in Tel Fyr in Zafirbel Bay and was a member of House Telvanni. He was the keeper of Corprusarium, a quarantine facility for Corprus patients. He lives with four ladies with the surname Fyr: Alfe, Beyte, Delte, and Uupse. He refers to them as his “daughters,” and they refer to themselves as his “wives,” yet they are his clones.
Divayth, while being one of the oldest and most prominent members of House Telvanni, preferred to keep out of house politics. He had no interest in joining the Council, but Master Aryon commented that Fyr was so well-liked by the House that he could have won a place on the Council just by asking, and that he was more powerful than Neloth or Gothren.

11. Cicero
Race: Imperial
Character Detail: Cicero is the Keeper of the Night Mother’s coffin and an eccentric jester. He is discovered on the road north of Whiterun, at Loreius Farm, hauling his “mother’s” coffin. Cicero has five diaries in his quarters in the Falkreath Sanctuary, each one telling the chronicle of his steady fall into madness.
Upon going north of Whiterun, the Dragonborn may come across a strange guy dressed as a jester with a broken-down cart. His name is Cicero, and he would beg them to help him by telling that he needs repairs for his waggon wheel in order to carry his mother’s (The Night Mother’s) body to a new burial location.

10. General Tullius
Race: Imperial
Character Detail: Tullius initially appears at Helgen, where he presided over Ulfric’s attempted execution for defying Imperial authority and the assassination of Skyrim’s High King, Torygg. General Tullius is the military ruler of Skyrim and a general of the Imperial Legion. Tullius is a Cyrodiil-born Imperial dispatched to Skyrim by Emperor Titus Mede II to put down the Stormcloak revolt headed by Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm, and Eastmarch Hold.
He frequently demonstrates a lack of knowledge and interest in the Nords’ history and culture. Tullius will say that while he “will never comprehend these Nords,” he has learned to admire them, remarking that “the hardness of Skyrim has a way of cutting a man down to his actual essence,” if the Dragonborn completes the civil war questline in favour of the Empire.

09. M’aiq the Liar
Race: Khajiit
Character Detail: M’aiq the Liar is a Khajiit well-known for his (often hilarious) statements regarding the Elder Scrolls series, appearing in both Morrowind and Oblivion (or a related). He’ll make amusing observations about the game’s strong features, as well as quick retorts to regular game complaints and general references to the game’s different facets.
M’aiq, a wanderer, may be found in a variety of locations, including towns and the wilderness. Upon confronted, he may say a variety of things. If you try to communicate with him again after he says three of the smart sentences mentioned below, he will only say one of the following: “M’aiq is now exhausted. Go disturb someone else.” or “M’aiq is done talking.”

08. Legate Rikke
Race: Nord
Character Detail: During the Great War, Legate Rikke was a member of the Legions that recovered the capital. Because she and Galmar were Skyrim Nords, they likely marched to Cyrodiil with the army led by General Jonna, who commanded Skyrim Nord Legions. Legate Rikke’s parents were Legionnaires as well, and she followed in their footsteps.
When the Skyrim Civil War happened, Legate Rikke was the Legion’s local recruiter. Those who seek to join the Legion must first go through a normal procedure before taking the Imperial Oath. The Stormcloaks, according to Rikke, are simply weakening the Empire and preventing it from focusing on its actual aim.

07. Serana
Race: Vampire
Character Detail: Serana is one of the very few known pure-blood vampires. Pure-blood vampires are those who have been bestowed vampirism by Molag Bal, the creator and patron deity of vampires. The procedure is comparable to that used to create the first vampire, Lamae Beolfag. Serana became a vampire after her family members committed themselves to Molag Bal in a rite. She may be recruited as a follower after being encountered, allowing for a variety of interactions.
When vampires threaten the Hall of the Vigilant, the Dragonborn is dispatched to Dimhollow Crypt to investigate more. Serana is discovered and set free in the crypt. She requests that the Dragonborn assist her in returning to Castle Volkihar.

06. Mjoll the Lioness
Race: Nord
Character Detail: Mjoll is a kind character with excellent intentions, yet she can be scary at times. She is happiest when she does the right thing and earns people’s trust rather than when she receives a monetary reward. She despises the Thieves Guild and the Black-Briar family, believing that they are responsible for much of Riften’s corruption.
Mjoll recalls in her history that her mother taught her how to handle a sword and that her father was a hunter. She grew up in a community that was once burned to the ground by bandits, and her brother was slain during the attack; as a result, she has a strong dislike towards bandits.

05. Ulfric Stormcloak
Race: Nord
Character Detail: Ulfric, a veteran of the Great War, is bitterly opposed to the White-Gold Concordat between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion, notably the prohibition on Talos worship. During the Markarth Incident, Ulfric marched warriors into Markarth under the guise of re-legitimizing Talos worship, but was finally apprehended.
The Greybeards recruited Ulfric as a kid to study with them in High Hrothgar. He trained with them for over 10 years, honing his talents in the Way of the Voice. He was destined to become a Greybeard himself, but his life was turned upside down when the Great War broke out in 4E 171. Ulfric felt obliged to contribute to the war effort and left High Hrothgar to join the Imperial Legion, much to the chagrin of Arngeir, who considered that the Way of the Voice should only be utilised for Kynareth devotion.

04. Aela the Huntress
Race: Nord
Character Detail: Aela the Huntress is a Nord werewolf who also happens to be a thief and a Companion. She is one of The Circle’s five members. Aela, who lives with the other Companions in Jorrvaskr, provides lycanthropy as part of the faction’s questline. She is also an expert level Archery trainer, a marriage prospect, and a follower following The Companions’ primary questline.
Among the Companions, it is reported that she and Skjor have a highly personal connection; Njada Stonearm’s chats with Aela show this. Aela, on the other hand, quickly and passionately rejects the relationship, even threatening Njada if she pays attention to them.

03. Sheogorath
Race: Daedra
Character Detail: Sheogorath is one of the few Daedric Princes whose birth is tied to the transformation or annihilation of an Aedra, along with Malacath and Meridia. Lorkhan’s “divine spark” was taken away from him, according to Aldmeri creation legends. He is characterised as the world’s “Sithis-shaped hole” in one of these stories. However, in an interview with the Imperial Library, Haskill claims that this explanation of Sheogorath’s origin may not be correct.
Sheogorath was once one of the Daedric Princes venerated by the Chimer, now Dunmer, in their old ancestral religion. Sheogorath, together with Mehrunes Dagon, Malacath, and Molag Bal, became regarded as one of the “Four Corners of the House of Troubles” when the Tribunal Temple became the dominant religion in Morrowind.

02. Martin Septim
Race: Imperial
Character Detail: Martin was born to Uriel Septim VII and an unnamed mistress as an illegitimate child. Uriel was unable to raise the child and entrusted him to Jauffre’s care as an infant. Uriel continued to inquire about Martin’s location from Jauffre, but the kid was never seen by Uriel after he was abandoned. For the most of his life, Martin was completely oblivious of any of this.
Martin is the last survivor of the Septim after his father and half-brothers were assassinated by Mythic Dawn assassins. Martin is sought out by the Hero of Kvatch, unaware that he is the lone remaining heir to the Septim kingdom. He aids in the end of the Daedra invasion of the mortal realm after being discovered and informed of his actual ancestry.

01. Paarthurnax
Race: Dragon
Character Detail: Paarthurnax, often known as “the Old One” by other dov, is the Greybeards’ leader. During the Merethic Era’s Dragon War, he was Alduin’s lieutenant, and he is reputed to have committed and seen horrific acts against humans. Alduin’s false claim of godhood, according to Paarthurnax, turned him against his older brother. According to Nordic tradition, it was Kyne herself who intervened and sent Paarthurnax to help humanity. In any case, Paarthurnax and many other Dragons betrayed their old lord by teaching humans how to wield the Thu’um. Mankind finally won, and Alduin was exiled from Mundus.