God of war female characters plays a big role in all the sequels since the start of game. If you have played all parts, then you must know the importance of god of way female characters …
Ever since God of war 1, female characters have a huge role in the overall plot of game. Remember Athena who had big involvement in god of war 3 story. In latest part of game, god of war female character again turned into an enemy of Kratos.
According to new story of god of war, Following successfully fulfilling his revenge, Kratos retreated into the world of Norse Gods by residing in Midgard in Ancient Norway, where he married another woman named Faye and produced a son named Atreus, with whom he would go on a quest to scatter her ashes at the highest peak of all the nine realms after the boy’s mother’s death.
In the list below you will find all the Best God of War female characters which you have encountered in game. Out of many we have selected only a few which gained popularity over time. Enjoy God of War Female Characters list below.
15 God of War Female Characters are as follows:
1. Athena God of War

Voice Actor: Carole Ruggier
God of War Female Characters Detail:
After hearing the oracle’s warning that Olympian reign would come to an end at the hands of a “Marked Warrior,” Zeus dispatched Ares and Athena to arrest the one who would destroy Zeus. They attacked Sparta and seized Deimos after noticing the unusual birthmarks on him. Kratos, his older brother, tried to stop them, but the God of War effortlessly swatted him away.
Athena interrupted before Ares could murder Kratos, telling him that they already got what they came for. She gave a final look at the young Kratos and prayed for forgiveness before leaving. The prophesy was put in action when they unwittingly chose the incorrect Spartan youngster; Kratos, not Deimos, would destroy Olympus.
2. Freya God of War

Voice Actor: Danielle Bisutti
God of War Female Characters Detail:
Freya is hinted to have had a life similar to Kratos’, claiming that she recognises a lot of herself in him and intends to atone for her misdeeds by assisting him. Freya initially encounters Kratos and Atreus under the pseudonym of the Witch in the Woods after an event in which a boar she was guarding was shot and injured by Atreus.
Kratos and Atreus agree to assist in the healing of the boar and are returned to her house. She takes to Atreus right away and becomes his buddy. Kratos, on the other hand, is apprehensive of Freya, particularly now that it has been revealed that she is a goddess. She expresses her concern for Atreus and the fact that Kratos keeps him in the dark about his true nature.
3. Gaia God of War

Voice Actor: Danielle Bisutti
God of War Female Characters Detail:
Gaia serves as the game’s narrator, however she only appears in God of War II and God of War III. She is shown as being constructed of soil, clothed in trees from head to toe, and having a broader shape than the Venus of Willendorf. Following Zeus’ betrayal of Kratos and subsequent descent into the Underworld, Gaia decided it was now time to unveil herself to Kratos.
She came in front of the Spartan, who questioned her identity as she revealed her name and how she had been observing him his entire life and had decided to assist him in the destruction of Zeus.
4. Aphrodite God of War

Voice Actor: Carole Ruggier
God of War Female Characters Detail:
When she meets Kratos, Aphrodite is seen in bed with her handmaidens, but she urges them to leave. “Even if you are no longer the God of War, you may still share my bed,” she says, attempting to lure Kratos. Kratos, on the other hand, was not amused.
She is enraged, and she expresses her desire for a “genuine man” to meet her, but she has not received her request because Zeus refused to allow the imprisoned Daedalus construct the bridge, and she has shown her distaste for Hephaestus. That’s when she understands Kratos wants those bridges repaired, and she promises him she’ll give him information if he pleases her.
5. Pandora God of War

Voice Actor: Natalie Lander
God of War Female Characters Detail:
Pandora was created by Hephaestus to act as a key to the mythical Pandora’s Box, which was said to be the source of the World’s end. After Kratos discovered Pandora’s Box, which was guarded by the Flame of Olympus, Athena appeared before him and told him about Pandora’s position as the key to the Box’s contents.
Fearful of the box’s power, Zeus tormented Hephaestus until he divulged the location of Pandora. Zeus then grabbed Pandora and buried the Box in the Flame of Olympus, preventing her from ever unlocking the Box.
6. Rhea God of War

Voice Actor: Unknown
God of War Female Characters Detail:
Rhea was Cronos’s wife and the mother of the first six Olympian gods. She deceived her husband by keeping their sixth kid from him, who had swallowed their first five children. The Titanomachy would ensue, resulting in the Titans’ defeat and exile to Tartarus. The narrative of Cronos and Rhea is told to Kratos by Gaia. Rhea sends the newborn Zeus to safety with the assistance of an eagle, then dupes her husband Cronos into eating a stone dressed as Zeus, as she narrates the narrative.
7. Sigrún God of War

Voice Actor: Martha Marion
God of War Female Characters Detail:
Prior to becoming Valkyrie Queen, Sigrn worked under the previous queen, Freya, whom she revered like her other sisters. After Freya’s unhappy marriage to Odin ended in divorce, the Allfather took away Freya’s wings and exiled her to Midgard. Sigrn was given the title of Valkyrie Queen, but they had little independence without Freya, since Odin considered them as simple servants.
Sigrn and her sisters were cursed by Odin to remain in bodily form, which would corrupt them and bring them great damage. Sigrn imprisoned each Valkryie to protect her sisters, but she, too, would succumb to the curse, much like her sisters.
8. Persephone God of War

Voice Actor: Marina Gordon
God of War Female Characters Detail:
Persephone was the Queen of the Underworld, and she was in charge of manipulating the events of the game. She teamed herself with the Dream God Morpheus and the powerful Titan Atlas in the aim of destroying the world along with herself, having become bitter from caring for the fallen and her forced marriage with Hades.
This would be accomplished by Morpheus’ power lulling the Gods to sleep and releasing Atlas, allowing him to capture Helios, the Sun God, and shatter the Pillar of the World, which held the Earth and Olympus in place.
9. Poseidon’s Princess God of War

Voice Actor: Erin Matthews
God of War Female Characters Detail:
In Poseidon’s Chamber, Kratos encounters the little barefoot princess, who is pleading for rescue. As Kratos approaches her, she proclaims that she does not want his assistance, most likely due to the Spartan’s ruthless reputation. Regardless, Kratos breaks her chains and walks the princess tied through the corridors, even sparing her from a pit of spikes, only to use her to crank open two doors. She gets crushed by the weight of the crank when Kratos passes through the doors.
10. Alecto God of War

Voice Actor: Jennifer Hale
God of War Female Characters Detail:
After being duped by Ares into completing the third blood assignment, Kratos refused to serve Ares any longer, so violating his blood pledge. The Furies invaded Kratos’ mind and memories and began hunting him down. Orkos had realised the unfairness underlying Kratos’ blood chores, and had quickly learned of the Furies’ intentions courtesy to the Oracle Aletheia.
Orkos and Aletheia attempted to alert Zeus, but Ares learned of their plans and the Furies intervened. With the assistance of Castor and Pollux, the Furies removed her eyes and imprisoned her in her temple, while Orkos, who was no longer the oath keeper, was imprisoned in the Hecatonchires. Orkos ultimately made his way out and began surreptitiously assisting Kratos.
11. Oracle of Athens God of War

Voice Actor: Jennifer Hale
God of War Female Characters Detail:
She originally appears as a hologram in front of Kratos, encouraging him to go to her Temple because she will assist him in defeating Ares. When Kratos arrives, she is ambushed by Harpies, who drag her to the Temple’s courtyard and dump her, allowing her to dangle from a rope.
She peeks into Kratos’ head after he saves her from plummeting to her death and sees the man he actually is. She was appalled by the truth of who Kratos was after seeing his background and the guy he actually was, and she couldn’t believe Athena sent him to save the city.
12. Lahkesis God of War

Voice Actor: Leigh-Allyn Baker
God of War Female Characters Detail:
Lahkesis has white eyes and a pair of wings that allow her to fly, giving her the appearance of an angelic divinity. Lahkesis isn’t as as vicious as her older sister Atropos, but she still likes messing with humans’ lives. She takes great pride in her role as fate’s sister.
She does tell Kratos the truth: it will end terribly. She seemed to admire Kratos, at least to some extent. She says that Kratos was always funny to her and her sisters, and she readily let the Spartan make it all the way to her royal room.
13. Lysandra God of War

Voice Actor: Gwendoline Yeo
God of War Female Characters Detail:
Lysandra was a Spartan lady who was Kratos’ wife and the mother of Calliope, Kratos’ daughter. Despite the fact that Kratos had numerous women in his life, he regarded Lysandra to be his soul mate and real love. Lysandra was also the only person who did not fear Kratos throughout his tenure as a ruthless Spartan commander, and she questioned his motives for the indiscriminate death of many innocent people on several occasions.
Kratos retreated deep into his own Psyche during his final confrontation with Zeus, went through its depths with the help of Pandora, and eventually managed to forgive himself for murdering both Lysandra and Calliope.
14. Tisiphone God of War

Voice Actor: Debi Mae West
God of War Female Characters Detail:
Kratos is being pursued by Tisiphone and the rest of the Furies for breaking his connection with Ares. When Kratos meets Orkos at Delphi, he learns that the Furies used to be fair in their judgement and punishment, but that they turned brutal after Ares, the God of War, persuaded the Furies to assist him plot against Olympus. Alecto, the Fury Queen, and Ares had a kid in the hopes of assisting them in their attempt to overthrow Olympus.
15. Persephone and Leda God of War

Voice Actor: Debi Mae West, Leigh Allyn Baker
God of War Female Characters Detail:
Just after his initial battle with the Colossus of Rhodes, Kratos will find these females in a bath behind a breakable wall in the Rhodes Bathhouse. Persephone’s shoulders are encrusted with jewels, while Leda’s waist is encrusted with pearls. Despite a furious fight outside their bathhouse, where the Colossus of Rhodes is destroying everything in its path, they are extremely peaceful and chilled in the bath. They don’t mind having a good time with Kratos, the deity in charge of the onslaught on their city.