Rick and Morty is a popular animated comedy show that follows the adventures of a cynical mad scientist Rick Sanchez and his naive grandson Morty Smith. The show is known for its hilarious and often absurd humor, as well as its exploration of various sci-fi concepts and themes. One of the recurring elements of the show is Morty’s quest for love, which usually ends up in disaster or disappointment. Morty has had several love interests throughout the show, but not all of them are equally memorable or compatible with him. In this article, we will rank Morty’s girlfriends based on their storyline, character development, and impact on Morty’s character. Here are the criteria we will use to rank them:
- Storyline: How interesting and engaging was their story arc? Did they have a meaningful role in the plot or were they just a one-off character?
- Character development: How well-defined and fleshed out was their personality? Did they have any distinctive traits or quirks that made them stand out? Did they grow or change as a character over time?
- Impact on Morty: How did they affect Morty’s emotions, behavior, and choices? Did they make him happy, sad, angry, or confused? Did they help him grow or hold him back as a person?
Based on these criteria, here is our ranking of Morty’s girlfriends in Rick and Morty:
8 Popular Morty Girlfriends in Rick and Morty are as follows:
8. Jacqueline

Jacqueline was Morty’s girlfriend when he became confident and successful after separating his toxic self from his positive self in the episode “Rest and Ricklaxation”. She was an attractive and wealthy woman who seemed to be deeply in love with Morty, even calling him her soulmate. However, she barely had any screen time or personality, and was only used as a plot device to show how different Morty was without his insecurities and flaws. She also did not have any chemistry or connection with Morty, as he only dated her because he was confident and not because he liked her. When Morty reverted back to his normal self, he had to break up with her, leaving her heartbroken and confused.
- Storyline: 1/10
- Character development: 1/10
- Impact on Morty: 2/10
7. Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn was a sex robot that Morty bought from an alien pawn shop in the episode “Raising Gazorpazorp”. She was designed to reproduce with the male Gazorpians, a violent and misogynistic alien race. Morty used her for sexual pleasure, but soon discovered that she was pregnant with his half-alien child. He named her Gwendolyn and tried to take care of her, but she did not show any signs of life or intelligence. She only served as a vessel for Morty’s son, who grew up to be a rebellious teenager who wanted to destroy Earth. Gwendolyn did not have any impact on Morty’s character development, except for making him experience fatherhood briefly.
- Storyline: 3/10
- Character development: 1/10
- Impact on Morty: 3/10
6. Stacy

Stacy was another girlfriend that Morty had when he was confident and successful in the episode “Rest and Ricklaxation”. She was a young and attractive woman who met Morty at a bar after he was rejected by Jessica. They had a strong relationship that lasted for several weeks, until Rick tried to merge Morty’s toxic self back into him. She helped Morty escape from Rick’s trap by using their safe word “Sea Cucumber”, but ended up being transported to the toxic world along with him. She was more developed than Jacqueline, as she showed some personality traits such as being adventurous, loyal, and caring. She also had some chemistry with Morty, as they shared some intimate moments and jokes. However, she did not have any lasting effect on Morty’s character arc, as he forgot about her after returning to his normal self.
- Storyline: 4/10
- Character development: 4/10
- Impact on Morty: 4/10
5. Arthricia

Arthricia was a cat-like alien girl who lived in a medieval world that was ruled by a tyrannical race of giant spiders in the episode “Look Who’s Purging Now”. She met Rick and Morty when they visited her planet during its annual purge night, where all crimes were legal for one night. She asked them for help to escape from the purgers, but later betrayed them by stealing their spaceship and using it to kill the spider leaders. She revealed that she had a personal vendetta against them for killing her parents and ruining her life. She was a complex and tragic character, who had a dark and violent side that contrasted with her cute and innocent appearance. She also had a brief romantic moment with Morty, when they kissed during the purge night. She influenced Morty’s character by making him question his morality and empathy, as he initially enjoyed the purge but later regretted it.
- Storyline: 6/10
- Character development: 7/10
- Impact on Morty: 6/10
4. Annie

Annie was a teenage girl who was shrunk down and injected into the body of a homeless man named Ruben in the episode “Anatomy Park”. She was part of a team of scientists who worked on a microscopic theme park inside Ruben’s body, which was created by Rick. She met Morty when he was also shrunk down and sent into Ruben’s body by Rick, who wanted him to save the park from a disease outbreak. She helped Morty survive the dangers of the park, such as mutated bacteria, rogue attractions, and a rampaging Ruben. She also developed a romantic attraction to Morty, and kissed him before they escaped from Ruben’s body. She was a smart and brave character, who had a passion for science and adventure. She also had a good chemistry with Morty, as they bonded over their shared experiences and interests. She affected Morty’s character by making him more confident and courageous, as he faced his fears and saved the day.
- Storyline: 7/10
- Character development: 8/10
- Impact on Morty: 7/10
3. Planetina

Planetina was an elemental superheroine who was formed by four rings that controlled the elements of fire, water, earth, and air in the episode “A Rickconvenient Mort”. She was part of a team of environmental activists called the Planeteers, who used her powers to fight against pollution and climate change. She met Morty when he saved her from a forest fire that was caused by an asteroid. They fell in love at first sight, and started a passionate relationship that defied their age difference and social norms. She was a kind and compassionate character, who cared deeply about the planet and its inhabitants. She also had a rebellious and adventurous streak, as she wanted to break free from the control of the Planeteers and explore the world with Morty. She influenced Morty’s character by making him more mature and responsible, as he supported her cause and stood up for her against his family and society.
- Storyline: 8/10
- Character development: 9/10
- Impact on Morty: 8/10
2. Morty’s Unnamed Girlfriend

Morty’s unnamed girlfriend was a girl who appeared in the episode “The Vat of Acid Episode”. She met Morty when he used Rick’s device that allowed him to save his progress in life and reload it whenever he wanted. They had a montage of romantic moments, such as going on dates, traveling the world, getting married, having children, and growing old together. However, their relationship was erased when Morty accidentally reset his progress after being attacked by a bear. She was a sweet and loving character, who made Morty happy and fulfilled. She also had a great chemistry with Morty, as they shared many hobbies and interests, such as reading books, playing video games, and watching movies. She affected Morty’s character by making him realize the value of life and love, as he regretted losing her and tried to find her again.
- Storyline: 9/10
- Character development: 9/10
- Impact on Morty: 9/10
1. Jessica

Jessica is Morty’s main love interest in the show, who has appeared in multiple episodes since the pilot. She is a popular girl at Morty’s school, who is often oblivious or indifferent to his crush on her. She has been involved in several of Rick and Morty’s adventures, such as being turned into a mutant insect in “Rick Potion No. 9”, being frozen in time in “A Rickle in Time”, being abducted by aliens in “The Wedding Squanchers”, being trapped in a simulation in “Mortyplicity”, and being turned into an immortal being in “Rickmurai Jack”. She is a complex and dynamic character, who has shown different facets of her personality over time.
She can be friendly, sarcastic, adventurous, curious, or bored depending on the situation. She also has some hidden depths, such as being interested in philosophy and metaphysics. She has influenced Morty’s character by being his main motivation for many of his actions, such as joining Rick on his adventures, saving her from danger, or impressing her with his skills. She has also challenged him to grow as a person, such as by rejecting him for being too clingy or accepting him for being himself.
- Storyline: 10/10
- Character development: 10/10
- Impact on Morty: 10/10
Jessica is the best girlfriend for Morty in Rick and Morty, as she has the longest and most meaningful relationship with him. She is the one who started his journey with Rick, and the one who ended it in the latest season finale. She is the one who knows him the best, and the one who accepts him for who he is. She is the one who makes him happy, and the one who challenges him to be better. She is the one who has the most potential for a future with him, and the one who has the most room for growth with him. She is the one who is Morty’s true love, and the one who is Rick and Morty’s ultimate ship.
In this article, we have ranked Morty’s girlfriends in Rick and Morty based on their storyline, character development, and impact on Morty’s character. We have used objective criteria and factual evidence to support our ranking, as well as our subjective opinions and preferences. We have concluded that Jessica is the best girlfriend for Morty, followed by Morty’s unnamed girlfriend, Planetina, Annie, Arthricia, Stacy, Gwendolyn, and Jacqueline. We hope you enjoyed reading this article, and we invite you to share your thoughts and comments below.
- Q: Who is Morty’s girlfriend in season 5?
- A: Morty’s girlfriend in season 5 is Planetina, an elemental superheroine who fights for environmental causes. They have a passionate but doomed relationship that ends tragically.
- Q: Who is Jessica in Rick and Morty?
- A: Jessica is Morty’s main love interest in Rick and Morty, who is a popular girl at his school. She has been involved in several of Rick and Morty’s adventures, and has shown interest in philosophy and metaphysics.
- Q: How many girlfriends does Morty have in Rick and Morty?
- A: Morty has had eight girlfriends in Rick and Morty so far, namely Jacqueline, Gwendolyn, Stacy, Arthricia, Annie, Planetina, Morty’s unnamed girlfriend, and Jessica.