Comments on: Best way to explain Haganai ending (With Spoilers) Anime, Games & Entertainment News at one place. Sat, 02 Sep 2023 21:26:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: TG Tue, 27 Jun 2023 02:18:13 +0000 Haganai’s twisted humor, and equally twisted characters got me from the start…but, I felt that the story began to sag in the last half of the series, and seemed to stagger toward the end.

Too many characters were left without growth, and without any sense they’d learned a damn thing from the one thing they all wanted–friends, people to have real contact and companionship with.

Kodaka appears to have fared best, after going through growing pains, concerns about his image, and the fact that he realized he can be no one but himself. His example unfortunately did not rub off well on others.

I feel saddest for Yozora–a seriously complicated girl, who at least was able to realize her friendship with Kokaka could not pick up again…they’d changed too much, but it also leaves her still a solitary, and not always nice person.

Sena is not capable of growing up. A child of privilege, she shows little inclination to grow or change, though she at least made an effort. Rika in her own way retreats into her own world as a means to not have to deal with anything.

If anything is accurate about this bizarre tale, we are not always ready to grow up after high school. We are still largely unformed, uncertain, and the end is fitting. If Kodaka or any of these kids hooked up, they’d never let go, and never find out who they really are.

I thought the concept was great, I loved the complexity of some of the characters, and the turmoil were well played. Too much too fast in too short a time, however, as that rush to reach the end left too many things up in the air, too many unsolved problems, and no true end.

So in all, I was disappointed by the disjointed madness at the end, and would have liked, not a happy ending, but a cleaner finish. As a writer, this was instructive and entertaining.
