Paladins is an online multiplayer shooting game which was developed by Hi-Rez Studio who’s also the creator for famous game SMITE. When it was released in 2016 as early beta game on Steam within a week beta version got 8,00,000 downloads, making it popular game in steam.
Overwatch is also one of best online multiplayer shooting game developed by Blizzard Entertainment. It was officially released in May 2016 within 1 month overwatch became best-selling game. Blizzard Entertainment is the same developer who made Warcraft game.
Both Paladins and Overwatch games are good in their own specific ways. To determine which online multiplayer shooting game is better let’s compare between Gameplays, Graphics, Map, Characters and more.
Below starts the comparison between Paladins vs Overwatch:
8. Plot Setting

Paladins takes place in a sci-fi fantasy world which is also known as realms. In these realms there is a big conflict between the Magistrate and the Resistance/Paladins. Both have their own belief regarding how things should run in this world. Our Champions/players plays either from the side of Magistrate or Resistance.
Overwatch story takes us into future world which is set in 60 years ahead. The earth which is shown in overwatch is fully fictional. In future world, robots became a very crucial part of day-to-day life. But these robots started to become hostile towards people, due to which government came up with a special task force named Overwatch to deal the situation.
07. Combat

Paladins is a Shooting game where players can have many types of matches with their opponent team. Each team consists of 5 players and all players need to be unique in 1 team. All players have their unique sets of powers and abilities. To become better in Paladins, players need to learn from the other players.
Overwatch is also a multiplayer shooting game where players are divided into 2 teams with 6 players each. All players in the game have to become one of hero type Tank, Damage & Support. There are many game modes to choose and it’s recommended to play practice matches to up your skills.
06. Game Modes

Paladins consists of 3 game modes Seige, Team Deathmatch, OnSlaught. Seige mode players secure the capture point and push the payload safely to opponent base. Deathmatch teams eliminate each other for points. Onslaught teams need to capture one point in map to earn points.
Overwatch consists of 7 game modes Assault, Control, Escort, Hybrid, Capture the Flag, Deathmatch and Elimination. Assault mode 1 team try to capture point and other team prevents them from it. Control mode both teams try to capture point while killing opponents. Escort mode 1 team push payload towards delivery point while killing opponent team members. Hybrid mode is mix of Assault and Escort game mode.
05. Gameplay Style

Paladins offers players with different types of gameplay styles which includes Front Line, Damage, Support and Flank. Front Line helps with providing protection using shields or fields. Damage type are best for giving enemy team high damage. Support type big role is to heal team members while confusing enemies. Flank type is good with giving high damage + running quickly but only downside is their low health.
Overwatch have 3 different types of gameplay styles which includes Tank, Support and Damage. Tank is best in providing cover from opponents while taking damage. Support helps to provide healing & power buffs to teammates. Damage type can deal most heavy damage to the opponents.
04. Character Details

All characters in Paladins comes with unique weapons and super abilities. There are minimum of 4 abilities which every character can have in starting and 1 special ability know as Ultimate. Players can fully customize their characters skins or weapon skins which could be bought from marketplace.
Overwatch characters have minimum of 5 abilities but some have even more abilities which makes those super resourceful. Each character equips unique type of weapon for matches. Customizing your characters is also possible as you level up by winning matches. Unique type of skins for characters could be seen during events.
03. Graphics

Paladins offers simple 3d style graphics for environment which means all the models like houses or boxes looks like bit low quality with colours bit faded over objects. Weapon and character graphics look pretty decent with enough detailing necessary. Shooting effects & blasts look good with a bit of cartoon style.
Overwatch graphics are really good with perfectly detailed locations and realistic style colours over objects. Character and weapon models look so sharp with accurate style. Everything you see in overwatch gives a very sharp and professional game feel. Graphics of shooting effects are so satisfying to watch.
02. Map/Locations

Players can enjoy a total of 10 maps in Paladins with fully unique and different locations. Each map comes with many vantage points where players can hide themselves and attack their enemy. As you play, you will start discovering new way to reach at destinations. Some of famous maps of Paladins are Aico Tundra, Enchanted Forest, Temple Isles, Abyss & Warder’s Watch.
Overwatch comes with total of 21 maps available for players to compete in matches. Every map is fully unique covering new type of elements and themes. There are so many places in each map which could be used as sniper points for covering your team members. Some of famous maps of Overwatch are Junkertown, Dorado, Blizzard World, Lijang Tower & Watchpoint.
01. Player Stats

Paladins have a really good number of total players from the early start of Beta stage of game. When it first released as Beta version in Steam, Paladins totally blew the market achieving top 10 position. From there it’s total players just kept on growing and currently in 2020 it was reported at 40 million.
Overwatch is also one of most popular game from the early time of release because it’s publishers marketing efforts were out of ordinary. Gamers loved playing such exciting locations with friendly players. In the year 2021 total number of players in overwatch are about 60 million.
Conclusion: Which is better Paladins vs Overwatch?
If you look at all the points above for Paladins and Overwatch, it describes that both games are mostly equally good. There are some points where one game is better like in terms of graphics or game modes overwatch is far better than Paladins.
In terms of high-quality graphics, game modes or maps, overwatch is better than Paladins. But if you are looking for a equally good game which you can play without paying in start, then definitely go for Paladins because it’s totally free to play.