Rockstar Max Payne 4 – Gameshifu Anime, Games & Entertainment News at one place. Fri, 21 Apr 2023 09:39:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Rockstar Max Payne 4 – Gameshifu 32 32 What’s new is happening with Max Payne 4 in 2021? Sun, 06 Jun 2021 10:30:11 +0000 Max Payne was Rockstar one of highest selling third-person shooter game which was loved by gamers throughout the world. Anyone who ever played Max Payne series instantly fall in love with its gameplay mechanics. After 3rd part concluded fans been waiting for Max Payne 4 for long time. It was first released in 2001 with [...]

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Max Payne was Rockstar one of highest selling third-person shooter game which was loved by gamers throughout the world. Anyone who ever played Max Payne series instantly fall in love with its gameplay mechanics. After 3rd part concluded fans been waiting for Max Payne 4 for long time.

It was first released in 2001 with Max Payne 1 which was developed by Remedy Entertainment and got some popularity in market with its emotional story line of Max. In the 2nd part Rockstar got involved with the series and became publisher for the game.

Rockstar invested a huge amount of money to develop the Max Payne 2 but it was not a big hit in the market which resulted in low sales. Even though 2nd part was not popular enough but it developed a reputation in the gaming industry.

Image Credit – Rockstar

After Max Payne 2, Rockstar fully bought game rights and everything for their old developers because Rockstar was having some new visions for future of game. With this Max Payne 3 was getting developed and Published by Rockstar only.

Max Payne 3 hit the good spot for all gamers because of Rockstar high efforts of making its graphics far better and turning story into a new direction. With all these efforts, Rockstar was able to sell about 3 million units of game within week of game release.

What happened with Max Payne 3 ending?

Image Credit – Rockstar

Max Payne 3 takes place 8 years after the events of 2nd part. He now became an Alcoholic with drinking problems and always keep on taking painkillers due to some health issues.

After leaving from NYPD, max started to work as a private contractor taking on jobs as security guard. Kidnapping Incident in New York leads him to work for Branco family as their private security consultant.

In the hopes of cleaning up the mess of Branco family quickly, he tries to keep things simple while dealing with kidnappers in the stadium but situation turns quickly after they gets ambushed by another group of thugs.

Max and Rodrigo in the police station try to gather any new leads on kidnapping but again gets interrupted by the gang of thugs. During all the shooting incidents, Rodrigo gets killed in between the dispute. After this incident, Max angrily swears to kill every single one of the kidnappers.

Image Credit – Rockstar

After deep digging in the situation, Max finds out that Victor and Becker was involved with all the incidents from killing Rodrigo to kidnapping. Max chase them towards airport as they try to escape and brutally injure Becker while shooting.

Then moving towards Victor, he brutally knocked him down by shooting him in the leg to make him feel the suffering. Quickly police took care of victor and arrested him for his crimes.

Few weeks later, max enjoying drink in bar hears news on TV that victor died in prison and UFE was all shut down by police. After that max felt relieved and started walking along sea while enjoying sunset.

After Max Payne 3 what happened with Max Payne 4?

Image Credit – Rockstar

In the ending of Max Payne 3, he is still alive as walking along sea enjoying sunset in Brazil. He was never shown as getting retired from his work in the ending. That can lead to many expectations of Max Payne 4.

Its been 8 years since Max Payne 3 and there is no news of Max Payne 4 in development currently. Rockstar been busy with many of their new projects like GTA Online and Red Dead Redemption which took most of their efforts.

But as the story of Max Payne was concluded, there is still hope of getting a 4th part for game in future. They can turn story into any new direction from there and take max into new adventures.

In last few years, Rockstar been getting more quality focus game studio and making only guaranteed success game titles with track record of selling in huge quantity.

Rockstar nowadays prefer games which could be turned into multiplayer

Last couple of years, Rockstar is making new games which they can turn into a monopoly with multiplayer. Few of these examples are GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 which both have multiplayer with many players playing each day.

Grand Theft Auto 5 was the best-selling Rockstar game which made them monopoly over years with little investment. It was recorded in the gaming industry as the most profitable game in the history. This is the approach Rockstar is taking in their future games. Now if we look at Max Payne after seeing Rockstar future company visions, you can notice there is very slight chance of Max Payne 4 getting developed anytime soon.

The post What’s new is happening with Max Payne 4 in 2021? appeared first on Gameshifu.

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