In the enchanting world of Mushoku Tensei, where magic and martial prowess converge, a powerful and determined figure known as Aleksander Ryback, better known as Kalman III, emerges as the current North God of the North God Style. Initially aligned with Hitogami’s faction, he later joins forces with Orsted after a crushing defeat during the series’ final battle.
Described as a young boy with black hair, around the age of Paul during Rudeus’ birth, Aleksander’s upbringing instilled an unwavering determination to become a hero and surpass his father. This pursuit for fame and heroism consumed him, driving him to do everything in his power to gain recognition among the public.
However, after a humbling defeat at the hands of Orsted, Aleksander’s personality undergoes a profound transformation. He becomes more humble and obedient to his superiors, adopting a newfound desire to learn what it truly means to be a hero.
Despite his determination, Aleksander is not skilled with words and is considered somewhat simple-minded, a trait inherited from his grandmother to a lesser extent. Nevertheless, he displays remarkable combat prowess as the third generation leader of the North God Sword Style, making him a formidable adversary.
As the North God, Aleksander had twenty students at one point, but they eventually parted ways, resulting in him never taking another disciple. His association with Gisu led him on a path to destroy the Superd Tribe and eliminate Orsted, all in pursuit of the coveted title of “Hero.” Fame and recognition seemed to be his primary motivators, overshadowing the true consequences of his actions.
After being defeated by Rudeus and his companions, Aleksander was believed to be dead for a period. However, being a descendant of Atofe granted him immortality, enabling his body to regenerate over time. Subsequently, he was defeated by Orsted, becoming yet another of Orsted’s subordinates and a member of the ORSTED Corporation.
Under Orsted’s guidance, Aleksander took on the responsibility of protecting Rudeus’ children, particularly Sieghart Saladin Greyrat, who admired tales of his father. Orsted’s knowledge of the original history suggests that Sieghart’s growth under Aleksander’s mentorship might lead to a future where Aleksander becomes the true North God.
Armed with the King Dragon Sword Kajakuto and the Golden Fighting God Armor, Aleksander proves himself as a formidable combatant, capable of manipulating gravity and demonstrating immense power. His immortality, derived from his lineage as a descendant of Atofe, grants him the ability to recover from wounds that would be fatal to ordinary beings.
In conclusion, Aleksander Ryback, also known as Kalman III, stands as the enigmatic and powerful North God of Mushoku Tensei. His journey from ambition and fame-seeking to humility and heroism adds depth to his character. As the story unfolds, Aleksander’s role in the ever-evolving world of Mushoku Tensei continues to shape the narrative, leaving readers enthralled by the mysteries and complexities that surround the North God.